ReadME Template

Here you can find a template for project ReadMe below.

## Your Coolest Project Name

Basic information about your cool project goes here.

*Assume your project is an React project forked from `create-react-app`*

#### Development Environment

Give information about how to prepare a development environment for your coolest project.

*This project uses `nodejs 14.15.5` with `npm 7.5.3`*

*After cloning this project and installing nodejs In the project directory, you have to run:*

*`npm install`*

*and your development environment is ready.*

If you are using a tool formatting such as prettier, clang etc. don't forget to give information about this also.

#### Available Scripts

After preparing development environment give information for available scripts. 


*In the project directory, you can run:*

### *`npm start`*

*Runs the app in the development mode.<br  />*

*Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) to view it in the browser.*

*The page will reload if you make edits.<br  />*

*You will also see any lint errors in the console.*

### *`npm test`*

*Launches the test runner in the interactive watch mode.<br  />*

*See the section about [running tests]( for more information.*

### *`npm run build`*

*Builds the app for production to the `build` folder.<br  />*

*It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.*

*The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.<br  />*

*Your app is ready to be deployed!*

### *npm run pretty*

*Format all of your code with our prettier configuration.<br/>*

*You commits are ready to push!*

#### Dependencies

List your cooles project's dependencies as a list in this section, it could be a library, other microservice etc. 

#### Additional Sections

Add sections for developer guideline, third party library usage examples, how to deploy manually, project's configuration, etc.  

*If anything is need to be known, go on add a new section for that knowledge!* 

#### Contributors

Mention the contributors


Finally, motivate the developer who will be working the coolest project with this PS:

*Happy Hacking!*